Комментарии: Схема 9. Задние фары, фонари освещения номерного знака и стояночные/габаритные огни /sxema-9-zadnie-fary-fonari-osveshheniya-nomernogo-znaka-i-stoyanochnye-gabaritnye-ogni.html Эксплуатация, электросхемы, техническое обслуживание, ремонт, и многое, многое другое... Fri, 17 Mar 2017 14:27:45 +0000 hourly 1 Автор: Patience /sxema-9-zadnie-fary-fonari-osveshheniya-nomernogo-znaka-i-stoyanochnye-gabaritnye-ogni.html#comment-14435 Fri, 17 Mar 2017 12:27:50 +0000 /sxema-9-zadnie-fary-fonari-osveshheniya-nomernogo-znaka-i-stoyanochnye-gabaritnye-ogni.html#comment-14435 "He was pretty much just griping that he can't cost externalize education expenses onto his workers. Boo ho&oq.uot;He has a good point. Too many people with highschool or even college degree don't know jack shit about nuttin. And even if he did send his workers to community college, there's no guarantee that they'd learn anything.
